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Gemma 2 vs. Koala

LLM Comparison

Gemma 2

Gemma 2


Gemma 2 succeeds the Gemma family of lightweight open models from Google built using the same processes used for the the larger Gemini models.

Gemma 2 is the successor to the Gemma family of open models, including larer models (9B and 27B parameters) with outsized performance across benchmarks. Using a combination of techniques such as training on twice as much data, knowledge distillation, and architectural improvements such as sliding window attention, logit soft-capping, and model merging, Gemma 2 outperforms models of similar size (such as Llama 3), with the 27B parameter model being competitive with models more than twice its size (such as Llama 70B).

Initial release: 2024-06-27




Released alongside Vicuna, Koala is one of many descendants of the Meta LLaMA model trained on dialogue data collected from the web. On the developers' benchmarks, Koala outperforms its sibling Alpaca, though its adoption has been significantly less than that of its other sibling, Vicuna. Due to its use of LLaMA, only research use is permitted.

Initial release: 2023-04-03

Further Reading

Looking for an LLM API/SDK that works out of the box? No prompts or ad hoc guardrails.

Sapling API
More Comparisons

Gemma 2


Products & Features
Instruct Models
Coding Capability
Open Source
License Custom Noncommercial
Model Sizes 2.6B, 9B, 27B 7B, 13B