Get spelling, grammar, and stylistic corrections for your English text using Sapling's free grammar checker.
Sapling was developed by researchers at the following institutions:
Need a different dialect or variety of English? Sapling supports the following through its integrations.
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Review your writing for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Catch typos and polish your writing. Use this page to proofread your text on your computer, tablet or mobile phone device. Beyond simple errors, Sapling will also help you keep your writing fluent, concise and idiomatic. People who do a lot of written communication from support, sales, recruiting and academia rely on Sapling as a writing check to catch writing mistakes.
Use Sapling to compose high-quality, on-point documents and messages. Catch mistakes and save time manually copy-editing. Sapling is fast and learns to give more relevant suggestions over time. Boost your productivity with Sapling by spending more time communicating and less time reviewing. Sapling's grammar checker (grammer checker) works in real time as you type.
Sapling's free grammar checker is a writing assistant that suggest edits from large neural network-based language models. These models effectively learn how language works from millions of example sentences. Sapling's AI accurately gives more suggestions than many other grammar checkers that rely on rule-based heuristics. See one comparison here.
This page will instantly count the number of words in your text. Use this to assess your words per minute (WPM) typing or writing rate. You can also obtain a word count from document or text editors like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Pages, under "Tools" → "Word Count".
Those that want correct grammar can use Sapling to check grammar for free. The AI-powered writing assistant will act as a real-time instant proofreader, including for correcting punctuation such as missing commas. This is a tool to ensure that your communication is error-free and well-written. Sapling integrates with many platforms to ensure that you have a writing assistant at your disposal, whether you are working on an important email, presentation, or instant messaging support. We support all the internet platforms you write on: Gmail, LinkedIn, Salesforce, Zendesk, and hundreds of other sites.
The text you are reading right now was written by a human, but proofread by AI. Sapling is one of the best tools to correct punctuation mistakes in your documents. Proper punctuation is important because you need it for clarity, professionalism and credibility. Simple punctuation mistakes are missed by the best writers by accident, and that can be avoided by running a punctuation checker as a back-up proofreader. Don't let poor punctuation affect your academic or business endeavors: try Sapling on your writing on this page.
Part of grammar checking includes making sure sentences have the right tense, and checking that there is tense consistency, between all tenses. Tenses are checked for correct sequences, verbs, and preterites, including the 12 Basic English Tenses:
Data is never sold to third parties. Sapling follows the latest security standards and undergoes continuous testing by an external security and compliance vendor.
Sapling’s platform rests in a private cloud with TLS and AES-256 data encryption. Our secure grammar checker redacts most personally identifiable information (PII). Sapling is offers on-premises/self-hosted deployments for enterprise teams and provides an optional no-data retention policy. The service is HIPAA compliant, SOC 2 Type II compliant, PCI compliant, GDPR compliant, and CCPA compliant. Please refer to our security page for more information.