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Koala vs. Llama 3

LLM Comparison




Released alongside Vicuna, Koala is one of many descendants of the Meta LLaMA model trained on dialogue data collected from the web. On the developers' benchmarks, Koala outperforms its sibling Alpaca, though its adoption has been significantly less than that of its other sibling, Vicuna. Due to its use of LLaMA, only research use is permitted.

Initial release: 2023-04-03

Further Reading

Llama 3

Llama 3


Llama 3 is Meta AI's open source LLM available for both research and commercial use cases (assuming you have less than 700 million monthly active users).

The successor to Llama 2, Llama 3 demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on benchmarks and is, according to Meta, the "best open source models of their class, period". Improvements to the pretraining -- 7X more data than Llama 2 --- and post-training -- careful curation of instruction-tuning data -- processes result in improved alignment and output quality

Initial release: 2024-04-18

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Llama 3

Products & Features
Instruct Models
Coding Capability
Open Source
License Noncommercial Custom (Commercial OK)
Model Sizes 7B, 13B 8B, 70B, 400B