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LLaMA vs. Llama 2

LLM Comparison




LLaMA was previously Meta AI's most performant LLM available for researchers and noncommercial use cases. It has since been succeeded by Llama 2.

The model that launched a frenzy in open-source instruct-finetuned models, LLaMA is Meta AI's more parameter-efficient, open alternative to large commercial LLMs. Despite being smaller than many commercial models, LLaMA outperformed the gold standard GPT-3 on many benchmarks, with the primary drawback being that its access remains gated to researchers with restrictions on commercial use.

Initial release: 2023-02-24

Llama 2

Llama 2


Llama 2 is Meta AI's open source LLM available for both research and commercial use cases (assuming you're not one of the top consumer companies in the world).

The successor to LLaMA (henceforce "Llama 1"), Llama 2 was trained on 40% more data, has double the context length, and was tuned on a large dataset of human preferences (over 1 million such annotations) to ensure helpfulness and safety. It outperforms other open source models on both natural language understanding datasets as well as in head-to-head face-offs.

Initial release: 2023-07-18

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Llama 2

Products & Features
Instruct Models
Coding Capability
Open Source
License Noncommercial Custom (Commercial OK)
Model Sizes 7B, 13B, 33B, 65B 7B, 13B, 70B