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FastChat vs. WizardLM

LLM Comparison




FastChat is the open platform for training, serving, and evaluating LLM chatbots developed and maintained by LMSYS.

FastChat is an open-source library for training, serving, and evaluating LLM chat systems from LMSYS. It includes training and evaluation code, a model serving system, a Web GUI, and a finetuning pipeline, and is the de facto system for Vicuna as well as FastChat-T5. FastChat also includes the Chatbot Arena for benchmarking LLMs.

Initial release: 2023-04-28




WizardLM is a variant of LLaMA trained with complex instructions.

WizardLM is a LLM based on LLaMA trained using a new method, called Evol-Instruct, on complex instruction data. By using AI to "evolve" instructions, WizardLM outperforms similar LLaMA-based LLMs trained on simpler instruction data. On the 6th of July, 2023, WizardLM V1.1 was released with significantly improved performance, and as of 15 April 2024, WizardLM-2 was released with state-of-the-art performance.

Initial release: 2023-05-26

Looking for an LLM API/SDK that works out of the box? No prompts or ad hoc guardrails.

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Products & Features
Instruct Models
Coding Capability
Open Source
License Apache 2.0 Noncommercial
Model Sizes 3B 7B, 13B, 70B, 8x22B