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Sapling for Microsoft Outlook

Sapling is a spelling and grammar checker that integrates with Microsoft Office and Outlook.

Sapling's new desktop application natively supports desktop programs, including Outlook. We recommend using it instead of the older Outlook add-in.

Get Sapling Desktop

Sapling's Outlook Integration supports the following versions of Outlook on MacOS and Windows:

Sapling also works on through browser extensions.

Check out our Word page as well.

Outlook Add-in (Deprecated): Install Instructions


These instructions are for installing Sapling's old Outlook Add-in.

We recommend you use the new Desktop application instead: Sapling Desktop.

Visit AppSource

Visit AppSource using the button above. On AppSource, you should see Get it now. Click that button.

Add in Office 365

In Office 365, click the Add button. This will install Sapling to your Outlook account.

Launch Sapling

In Outlook, start composing a new email (New Email). In the ribbon, click Launch Sapling to start Sapling and log in.


If the above instructions don't work, or you're directed to the Microsoft Admin Center, try following the instructions on this page—in particular the section on "Integrated apps".