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“Sewn” or “Sone” or “Sown”


sewn / sone / sown are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


sewn: (verb) fasten by sewing; do needlework. (verb) create (clothes) with cloth.

sone: (noun) a unit of perceived loudness equal to the loudness of a 1000-hertz tone at 40 dB above threshold.

sown: (verb) place (seeds) in or on the ground for future growth. (verb) introduce into an environment.


sewn: s·OW·n

sone: NA

sown: s·OW·n


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Examples in Context

Examples of “sewn”

  • the loose ends of newly sewn ribbons are briefly exposed to
  • also be stored in specially sewn bags of cheesecloth or wooden
  • jerseys with the name "Sal" sewn into their sleeves.
  • air bags have anti-collapse rings sewn into them to prevent pancaking
  • cleaning cycle, rigid rings are sewn into the bags at intervals.
  • well as a waterproof binding sewn with special thread and adhered
  • some of the crew members sewn sails.
  • that the three buttons formerly sewn onto midshipmen's jacket cuffs were
  • All the mops were sewn at this plant.
  • total of 133 lilies are sewn onto a white moire fabric

Examples of “sone”

  • before and after meals, but Sone de Nansay, hero of a
  • inheritance of Cuninghame Laird thereof sone to the abott of Kilwinin
  • Kunwar Sone Singh Ponwar

Examples of “sown”

  • Thus was sown the seed of a life-long
  • 8 to 10 days when sown about 6 mm deep in
  • a plot of ground be sown with one species of grass,
  • fields of friendly strife are sown the seeds that, upon other
  • recommends that the seeds be sown in "ordinary soil in a
  • of the Sino-Soviet conflict were sown during Stalin's time, policy differences
  • Democratic seeds were also sown with Public Law V that
  • the seeds of legend are sown with Selim Wormrider, an outcast
  • He was glad the seeds sown by him were proliferating and

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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