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“Sewer” or “Suer”


sewer / suer are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


sewer: (noun) a waste pipe that carries away sewage or surface water. (noun) someone who sews.

suer: (noun) someone who petitions a court for redress of a grievance or recovery of a right.


sewer: s·UW·er

suer: NA


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Examples in Context

Examples of “sewer”

  • it into an into underground sewer.
  • and the local water & sewer authority.
  • and accidentally falling into a sewer.
  • and improvements to the storm sewer system.
  • drainage canal, the Robey Street sewer and all the underground work
  • a mysterious connection to the Sewer King.
  • Scotland he was appointed as 'sewer' to Queen Anne, a courtier
  • department included one cutter, one sewer, a costume coordinator and a
  • land graded and water and sewer pipes installed.
  • of underground utilities including water, sewer and gas lines, as well

Examples of “suer”

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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