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BLOOMChat vs. Cerebras-GPT

LLM Comparison




BLOOMChat is a variant of the BLOOM language model with instruction fine-tuning.

BLOOMChat is a 176 billion parameter language model based on BLOOM trained using SambaNova's Reconfigurable Data Units. Based on BLOOM, BLOOMChat is also multilingual, and provides a HuggingFace chat interface and model.

Initial release: 2023-05-19




The Cerebras-GPT family of models was developed by the AI accelerator company Cerebras following Chinchilla scaling laws as a demonstration of its Wafter-Scale Cluster technology.

Initial release: 2023-03-28

Further Reading

Looking for an LLM API/SDK that works out of the box? No prompts or ad hoc guardrails.

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Products & Features
Instruct Models
Coding Capability
Open Source
License Apache 2.0 Apache 2.0
Model Sizes 175B 1.3B, 2.7B, 6.7B, 13B

Other BLOOMChat Comparisons

BLOOMChat vs. Alpaca BLOOMChat vs. BLOOM BLOOMChat vs. Cerebras-GPT BLOOMChat vs. Dolly BLOOMChat vs. Falcon BLOOMChat vs. FastChat BLOOMChat vs. FLAN-T5 BLOOMChat vs. FLAN-UL2 BLOOMChat vs. Gemma BLOOMChat vs. GPT-J BLOOMChat vs. GPT4All BLOOMChat vs. GPTNeo BLOOMChat vs. Grok BLOOMChat vs. Guanaco BLOOMChat vs. Koala BLOOMChat vs. LLaMA BLOOMChat vs. Llama 2 BLOOMChat vs. Llama 3 BLOOMChat vs. Mistral BLOOMChat vs. MPT BLOOMChat vs. OpenAssistant BLOOMChat vs. OpenLLaMA BLOOMChat vs. OPT BLOOMChat vs. Orca BLOOMChat vs. Phi BLOOMChat vs. Pythia BLOOMChat vs. RedPajama-INCITE BLOOMChat vs. StableLM BLOOMChat vs. StableVicuna BLOOMChat vs. Vicuna BLOOMChat vs. WizardLM

Other Cerebras-GPT Comparisons

Cerebras-GPT vs. Alpaca Cerebras-GPT vs. BLOOM Cerebras-GPT vs. BLOOMChat Cerebras-GPT vs. Dolly Cerebras-GPT vs. Falcon Cerebras-GPT vs. FastChat Cerebras-GPT vs. FLAN-T5 Cerebras-GPT vs. FLAN-UL2 Cerebras-GPT vs. Gemma Cerebras-GPT vs. GPT-J Cerebras-GPT vs. GPT4All Cerebras-GPT vs. GPTNeo Cerebras-GPT vs. Grok Cerebras-GPT vs. Guanaco Cerebras-GPT vs. Koala Cerebras-GPT vs. LLaMA Cerebras-GPT vs. Llama 2 Cerebras-GPT vs. Llama 3 Cerebras-GPT vs. Mistral Cerebras-GPT vs. MPT Cerebras-GPT vs. OpenAssistant Cerebras-GPT vs. OpenLLaMA Cerebras-GPT vs. OPT Cerebras-GPT vs. Orca Cerebras-GPT vs. Phi Cerebras-GPT vs. Pythia Cerebras-GPT vs. RedPajama-INCITE Cerebras-GPT vs. StableLM Cerebras-GPT vs. StableVicuna Cerebras-GPT vs. Vicuna Cerebras-GPT vs. WizardLM


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