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“Refueled” or “Refuelled”


Refueled and refuelled are both English terms.


Refueled is predominantly used in 🇺🇸 American (US) English (en-US) while refuelled is predominantly used in 🇬🇧 British English (used in UK/AU/NZ) (en-GB).

In terms of actual appearance and usage, here's a breakdown by country, with usage level out of 100 (if available) 👇:

Term US UK India Philippines Canada Australia Liberia Ireland New Zealand Jamaica Trinidad & Tobago Guyana
refueled 92 73 97 96 91 71 0 84 70 100 100 100
refuelled 8 27 3 4 9 29 0 16 30 0 0 0

  • In the United States, there is a preference for "refueled" over "refuelled" (92 to 8).
  • In the United Kingdom, there is a preference for "refueled" over "refuelled" (73 to 27).
  • In India, there is a preference for "refueled" over "refuelled" (97 to 3).
  • In the Philippines, there is a preference for "refueled" over "refuelled" (96 to 4).
  • In Canada, there is a preference for "refueled" over "refuelled" (91 to 9).
  • In Australia, there is a preference for "refueled" over "refuelled" (71 to 29).
  • In Liberia, there is not enough data to determine a preference between "refueled" and "refuelled".
  • In Ireland, there is a preference for "refueled" over "refuelled" (84 to 16).
  • In New Zealand, there is a preference for "refueled" over "refuelled" (70 to 30).
  • In Jamaica, there is a preference for "refueled" over "refuelled" (100 to 0).
  • In Trinidad & Tobago, there is a preference for "refueled" over "refuelled" (100 to 0).
  • In Guyana, there is a preference for "refueled" over "refuelled" (100 to 0).

Below, we provide some examples of when to use refueled or refuelled with sample sentences.


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Examples in Context

Examples of “refueled”

  • 1942; transited the Panama Canal; refueled at Bora Bora, Society Islands;
  • which her nuclear reactors were "refueled."
  • filling station where vehicles are refueled.
  • had reached the HAA and refueled while later during the day
  • heavy ferry/lander that would be refueled on the lunar surface via
  • In June O'Brien successfully refueled a helicopter from the aircraft
  • after which the car is refueled, and the round continues if
  • Control System (AWACS) aircraft and refueled by U.S. Air Force KC-10
  • He refueled and took off, against Boyington's
  • leaving South Thule, Yarmouth was refueled by the RFA Olmeda'' on

Examples of “refuelled”

  • and as the jet had refuelled just a short time ago,
  • way footballers generally fuelled and refuelled, and finding fault with the
  • they too had to be refuelled in the air.
  • by Col. William Ritchie, were refuelled by first a Flight Refuelling
  • out to meet them, and refuelled XL189, enabling it to return
  • After the aircraft were refuelled, 800 NAS began launching Sea
  • It refuelled at Mauritius and Port T,
  • period were allowed to be refuelled before the race but those
  • during this period Furious also refuelled from the Home Fleet's tankers.
  • a petrol station after she refuelled her car.

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license.)

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