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“Micrometer” or “Micrometre”


Micrometer and micrometre are both English terms.


Micrometer is predominantly used in 🇺🇸 American (US) English (en-US) while micrometre is predominantly used in 🇬🇧 British English (used in UK/AU/NZ) (en-GB).

In terms of actual appearance and usage, here's a breakdown by country, with usage level out of 100 (if available) 👇:

Term US UK India Philippines Canada Australia Liberia Ireland New Zealand Jamaica Trinidad & Tobago Guyana
micrometer 100 92 87 100 91 87 100 100 93 100 100 100
micrometre 0 8 13 0 9 13 0 0 7 0 0 0

  • In the United States, there is a preference for "micrometer" over "micrometre" (100 to 0).
  • In the United Kingdom, there is a preference for "micrometer" over "micrometre" (92 to 8).
  • In India, there is a preference for "micrometer" over "micrometre" (87 to 13).
  • In the Philippines, there is a preference for "micrometer" over "micrometre" (100 to 0).
  • In Canada, there is a preference for "micrometer" over "micrometre" (91 to 9).
  • In Australia, there is a preference for "micrometer" over "micrometre" (87 to 13).
  • In Liberia, there is a preference for "micrometer" over "micrometre" (100 to 0).
  • In Ireland, there is a preference for "micrometer" over "micrometre" (100 to 0).
  • In New Zealand, there is a preference for "micrometer" over "micrometre" (93 to 7).
  • In Jamaica, there is a preference for "micrometer" over "micrometre" (100 to 0).
  • In Trinidad & Tobago, there is a preference for "micrometer" over "micrometre" (100 to 0).
  • In Guyana, there is a preference for "micrometer" over "micrometre" (100 to 0).

Below, we provide some examples of when to use micrometer or micrometre with sample sentences.


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Examples in Context

Examples of “micrometer”

  • dimensions at or below 1 micrometer, or manipulate components on the
  • a diameter of only one micrometer.
  • was sometimes used with a micrometer microscope.
  • primary sensor is a 1.12 micrometer with supporting sensor of 1.75
  • snap gauge or an indicating micrometer and may be quickly preset
  • nanometers (several tenths of a micrometer) apart, along their path.
  • The technique uses a one micrometer diameter open tip glass micropipette
  • is sensitive to the 10.4 micrometer wavelength.
  • powders typically have sizes from micrometers to above 100 micrometers, the
  • the electronic wavelength (nano- to micrometer).

Examples of “micrometre”

  • capture small particles (< 1 micrometre)
  • the cut to under a micrometre.
  • of the mandrel within one micrometre.
  • centimetre of aperture and per micrometre of wavelength produced by a
  • oval watchglass less than a micrometre in size, was imaged with
  • UFP can reach into the micrometre range.
  • smaller particle size, around one micrometre (um), compared to the effect
  • (190-275 nanometre) and infrared (3-4 micrometre) spectrophotometers, radiation sensors (gas-discharge and
  • from 0 to (about 5 micrometre wavelength) by applying voltage to
  • used to deposit very thin (micrometre to nanometer scale) layers of

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license.)

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