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“Evangelize” or “Evangelise”


Evangelize and evangelise are both English terms.


Evangelize is predominantly used in 🇺🇸 American (US) English (en-US) while evangelise is predominantly used in 🇬🇧 British English (used in UK/AU/NZ) (en-GB).

In terms of actual appearance and usage, here's a breakdown by country, with usage level out of 100 (if available) 👇:

Term US UK India Philippines Canada Australia Liberia Ireland New Zealand Jamaica Trinidad & Tobago Guyana
evangelize 96 40 77 100 92 39 0 0 0 0 0 0
evangelise 4 60 23 0 8 61 0 0 0 0 0 0

  • In the United States, there is a preference for "evangelize" over "evangelise" (96 to 4).
  • In the United Kingdom, there is a 60 to 40 preference for "evangelise" over "evangelize".
  • In India, there is a preference for "evangelize" over "evangelise" (77 to 23).
  • In the Philippines, there is a preference for "evangelize" over "evangelise" (100 to 0).
  • In Canada, there is a preference for "evangelize" over "evangelise" (92 to 8).
  • In Australia, there is a 61 to 39 preference for "evangelise" over "evangelize".
  • In Liberia, there is not enough data to determine a preference between "evangelize" and "evangelise".
  • In Ireland, there is not enough data to determine a preference between "evangelize" and "evangelise".
  • In New Zealand, there is not enough data to determine a preference between "evangelize" and "evangelise".
  • In Jamaica, there is not enough data to determine a preference between "evangelize" and "evangelise".
  • In Trinidad & Tobago, there is not enough data to determine a preference between "evangelize" and "evangelise".
  • In Guyana, there is not enough data to determine a preference between "evangelize" and "evangelise".

Below, we provide some examples of when to use evangelize or evangelise with sample sentences.


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Examples in Context

Examples of “evangelize”

  • descent who was sent to evangelize Gaul either by Saint Clement
  • When friars began to evangelize elsewhere in New Spain where
  • Recollects in an attempt to evangelize New France.
  • the first Spanish missionary to evangelize the people of Bolinao.
  • and send them forth to evangelize.
  • mission to establish missionaries and evangelize the natives who inhabited the
  • and they felt called to evangelize the indigenous peoples of Africa.
  • was founded to Americanize and evangelize local-born children, and from a
  • Edwin Stevens to explore and evangelize in Fujian's tea country in
  • called San Jerónimo there, to evangelize the local natives, known as

Examples of “evangelise”

  • Jesuit priests who came to evangelise (the native population of indigenous
  • David Kimathi to evangelise in Meru, Mombasa and Embu.
  • and the first attempts to evangelise Northumbria.
  • Riis wanted to evangelise inland and master Twi language
  • to send the Gospel and evangelise in every British Asian household
  • Help the youngest and evangelise aeronautics activities
  • in Liverpool city centre to evangelise to the unchurched in their
  • from Brunei to Sulu to evangelise the people there.
  • In 1875, it began to evangelise China systematically.
  • that Eweida was trying to evangelise in the workplace and that

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license.)

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