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“Analyzes” or “Analyses”


Analyzes and analyses are both English terms.


Analyzes is predominantly used in 🇺🇸 American (US) English (en-US) while analyses is predominantly used in 🇬🇧 British English (used in UK/AU/NZ) (en-GB).

In terms of actual appearance and usage, here's a breakdown by country, with usage level out of 100 (if available) 👇:

Term US UK India Philippines Canada Australia Liberia Ireland New Zealand Jamaica Trinidad & Tobago Guyana
analyzes 39 5 18 58 14 5 0 0 5 24 0 0
analyses 61 95 82 42 86 95 0 100 95 76 100 0

  • In the United States, there is a 61 to 39 preference for "analyses" over "analyzes".
  • In the United Kingdom, there is a 95 to 5 preference for "analyses" over "analyzes".
  • In India, there is a 82 to 18 preference for "analyses" over "analyzes".
  • In the Philippines, there is a preference for "analyzes" over "analyses" (58 to 42).
  • In Canada, there is a 86 to 14 preference for "analyses" over "analyzes".
  • In Australia, there is a 95 to 5 preference for "analyses" over "analyzes".
  • In Liberia, there is not enough data to determine a preference between "analyzes" and "analyses".
  • In Ireland, there is a 100 to 0 preference for "analyses" over "analyzes".
  • In New Zealand, there is a 95 to 5 preference for "analyses" over "analyzes".
  • In Jamaica, there is a 76 to 24 preference for "analyses" over "analyzes".
  • In Trinidad & Tobago, there is a 100 to 0 preference for "analyses" over "analyzes".
  • In Guyana, there is not enough data to determine a preference between "analyzes" and "analyses".

Below, we provide some examples of when to use analyzes or analyses with sample sentences.


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Examples in Context

Examples of “analyzes”

  • authors and other public figures, analyzes news and cultural events, and
  • Chachamim, by Shabbethai Bass, which analyzes other supercommentaries on Rashi and
  • the management of publications department, "analyzes all publications and issues directives
  • The 100-page paper analyzes relevant Russian laws, citing specific
  • In addition, he analyzes a 2008 study by University
  • It analyzes emotions as relaxation, exhilaration, sensuality,
  • Ernő Lendvai analyzes Béla Bartók's works as being
  • in Israeli society describes and analyzes the ways in which Mizrahi
  • The song "No Answers" analyzes the difficulties in maintaining a
  • book Joshua Simon describes and analyzes the growing weight of the

Examples of “analyses”

  • the public, and also gave analyses of the music of Richard
  • NANPA regularly performs exhaustion analyses.
  • Analyses of many tumors typically found
  • Unfortunately, detailed analyses do not show sufficient reactivity
  • with the mitochondria, while phylogenomic analyses indicate that mitochondria evolved from
  • shot between rival forces, and analyses of the differences between British
  • W. Bush actually preferred INC-supplied analyses of Iraq over analyses provided
  • The statistical analyses, supported by the foreign material
  • Ciborra analyses Information System infrastructure using Heidegger's
  • under development for in situ analyses

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license.)

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