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“Won't” or “Wont”


won't / wont are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


won't: NA

wont: NA


won't: w·OW·n·t

wont: w·OW·n·t


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Examples in Context

Examples of “won't”

  • those games down on the floor.
  • "I Won't Let You Walk Away".
  • to fill the giant Indian trophy.
  • a prospective passenger hails the marshrutka.
  • easier to follow for the reader.
  • one feel that it is heavy.
  • won't write me one like that?'
  • won't think skiing is too cold."
  • It won't do any good.
  • guard rail won't cause a scratch.

Examples of “wont”

  • those games down on the floor.
  • "I Won't Let You Walk Away".
  • to fill the giant Indian trophy.
  • a prospective passenger hails the marshrutka.
  • easier to follow for the reader.
  • one feel that it is heavy.
  • won't write me one like that?'
  • won't think skiing is too cold."
  • It won't do any good.
  • guard rail won't cause a scratch.

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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