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“Whirl” or “Whorl”


whirl / whorl are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


whirl: (noun) confused movement. (noun) the shape of something rotating rapidly. (verb) cause to spin. (verb) fly around.

whorl: NA


whirl: w·ER·l

whorl: w·ER·l


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Examples in Context

Examples of “whirl”

  • The schools bought the Miracle Whirl to entertain their students during
  • the production for the Miracle Whirl merry-go-round in the Grinnell Glove
  • manufacturing and selling the Miracle Whirl.
  • — are sucked into a whirl of state-sponsored distrust.

Examples of “whorl”

  • The periphery of the body whorl is marked by a sulcus
  • revolving ridges on the body whorl, with intermediate close revolving striae.
  • The last whorl is angled on the periphery.
  • The shell contains about three whorls with 1½ whorl in the
  • The periphery of the body whorl and base are well rounded.
  • It contains about five whorls, the body whorl much the
  • The body whorl is shorter than the spire.
  • narrow venter and compressed, lanceolate whorl section.
  • and 19 upon the penultimate whorl.
  • The body whorl is short, and not perforated

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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