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“Waiving” or “Waving”


waiving / waving are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


waiving: (verb) do without or cease to hold or adhere to.

waving: NA


waiving: w·EY·v·ih·ng

waving: w·EY·v·ih·ng


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Examples in Context

Examples of “waiving”

  • to the Adriatic Sea by waiving the Littoral territories of Gorizia
  • Deputy Chief Minister, Solanke recommended waiving the bunding loans of farmers
  • to exercise administrative'' discretion by waiving the requirements, but neither plaintiff
  • His reason for waiving his attorney fee was: "The
  • After waiving his right to counsel, he

Examples of “waving”

  • by crowds of jubilant militants waving red flags.
  • quietly on his cigar and waving adieus with his hat to
  • a lot of catcalling and waving and then you'd get on
  • the touchline on crutches and waving them in the air towards
  • Atlas Games is waving the green flag -- at
  • and white, with herons' feathers waving and jewels flashing, as they
  • image of Fisk jumping and waving the ball fair as he
  • finally catches up to them, waving Terry's electric goad.
  • in red and white and waving the Canadian flag.
  • While waving his gun around, Hitler demanded

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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