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“Wails” or “Whales”


wails / whales are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


wails: (verb) cry weakly or softly.

whales: (noun) any of the larger cetacean mammals having a streamlined body and breathing through a blowhole on the head. (verb) hunt for whales.


wails: w·EY·l·z

whales: w·EY·l·z


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Examples in Context

Examples of “wails”

  • Along with his characteristic wails and croons, he exhibited a
  • had more substance than adolescent wails on how love will save
  • using shouts, groans, moans, and wails.
  • from seductive whispers to banshee wails".
  • oscillate between stoicism and crushing wails."

Examples of “whales”

  • more gradual settlement of fewer whales and using more subsistence strategies
  • would use umiaks and kill whales in narrow ice leads as
  • Atlantic in search of sperm whales.
  • move, followed groups of bowhead whales, which were an important source
  • whale for survival because bowhead whales swim slowly and sleep near
  • Whale's remake of Marius and Fanny.
  • European contact in areas where whales were not as prevalent so
  • Children of the Whales, Urumi, Nibi (young), Cocaro
  • oceans populated only by albatross, whales and ice, with no shipping
  • Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus)

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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