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“Vice” or “Vise”


vice / vise are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


vice: (noun) a specific form of evildoing.

vise: (noun) a holding device attached to a workbench; has two jaws to hold workpiece firmly in place.


vice: v·AY·s

vise: v·AY·s


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Examples in Context

Examples of “vice”

  • Terry Tolkin was the Vice President of A&R at Elektra
  • Vice Shoguns
  • his wife serving as the vice principal of the school, and
  • in the city: the mayor, vice mayor, and ten councilors.
  • John Calhoun resigned as vice president shortly before the end
  • is a Vice Shogun from in the .
  • of Indavers and the three Vice Shoguns as his pawns.
  • Teresa Carlson is the current vice president for Amazon Web Services'
  • be built onto Kings and vice versa.
  • Amazon, Carlson served as Microsoft's Vice President of Federal Government business.

Examples of “vise”

  • safety mechanism in the justification vise detects this and blocks the
  • mold disk retracts from the vise studs which held it in
  • engage with blocks on the vise so that the mold disc
  • The vise has two jaws (1 and
  • The justification vise holds the assembled line against
  • The vise jaws compress the line of
  • Vise la réclame
  • first elevator to the justification vise.
  • matrices fit tightly between the vise jaws, forming a tight seal

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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