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“Undo” or “Undue”


undo / undue are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


undo: (verb) cancel, annul, or reverse an action or its effect. (verb) cause the ruin or downfall of.

undue: (adjective) not yet payable. (adjective) not appropriate or proper (or even legal) in the circumstances. (adjective) lacking justification or authorization.


undo: ah·n·d·UW

undue: ah·n·d·UW


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Examples in Context

Examples of “undo”

  • format allows the concept of Undo Changes: when enabled, all changes
  • exorcisms and white magic to undo curses and black magic.
  • President’s Federal Pay Hike," to undo Obama's blanket federal pay hike.
  • project has been undertaken to undo damage caused by the earthquake
  • The semifinals saw Milano undo Brindisi 76-65, having led the
  • The player can undo a wrong move and swap
  • menu and in-game hint and undo buttons at the bottom of
  • He had to undo his bed each morning since
  • foundations and, every night, would undo the construction work and magically
  • within such a block will undo these changes.

Examples of “undue”

  • selfishness has caused them all undue grief.
  • to what they felt was undue attention being focused on Ireland
  • there was no evidence of undue influence.
  • Courts should sternly repress any undue license in such criticisms or
  • he had exerted inappropriate and undue influence to derail an investigation
  • alcoholism, accusations of his using undue influence on a patient for
  • since 1927 without delay or undue expense, and the first servicing
  • effectively use the equipment without undue delay.
  • in English contract law on undue influence (Lloyds Bank Ltd v
  • 24-hour waiting period could cause undue burden on women, especially those

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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