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“Tongue” or “Tung”


tongue / tung are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


tongue: (noun) a mobile mass of muscular tissue covered with mucous membrane and located in the oral cavity. (noun) any long thin projection that is transient. (noun) a manner of speaking. (noun) the tongue of certain animals used as meat. (noun) the flap of material under the laces of a shoe or boot. (verb) articulate by tonguing, as when playing wind instruments. (verb) lick or explore with the tongue.

tung: NA


tongue: t·AH·ng

tung: t·AH·ng


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Examples in Context

Examples of “tongue”

  • Beat)Ruth, Roses and Revolvers, (2010, Tongue Master)
  • He made much of the tongue and explained how it functioned.
  • Low German, as their mother tongue, also prevailing in Holstein.
  • that "both works were written tongue in cheek, with a high
  • the upper surface of the tongue and the epiglottis.
  • was writing his first novel, Tongue International, a satirical fantasy about
  • Tongue of Knowledge.
  • of a cancer of the tongue and the pharynx from which
  • him to write in mother tongue Pashto because he could not
  • one, Tatsuro, cut off his tongue with a kitchen knife on

Examples of “tung”

  • Hong Kong by chief executive Tung Chee Hwa in July 2002.
  • for which they are responsible," Tung said
  • as the "85,000 Housing Reform", Tung introduced POAS in 2002 to
  • in the governance of the Tung administration, with no significant improvements
  • On 24 June 2002, Tung announced the composition of his
  • Tung Chee Hwa defended Leung's integrity,
  • The proposals raised concerns that Tung was moving the system towards
  • Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Wong
  • The changes were introduced by Tung at the beginning of his
  • Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Wong

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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