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“Tail” or “Tale”


tail / tale are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


tail: (noun) the posterior part of the body of a vertebrate especially when elongated and extending beyond the trunk or main part of the body. (noun) any projection that resembles the tail of an animal. (noun) a spy employed to follow someone and report their movements. (noun) (usually plural) the reverse side of a coin that does not bear the representation of a person's head. (noun) the rear part of an aircraft. (verb) remove the stalk of fruits or berries.

tale: NA


tail: t·EY·l

tale: t·EY·l


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Examples in Context

Examples of “tail”

  • The wings and tail surfaces are covered in Dacron
  • If I Had a Tail
  • and rear end of fuselage), tail surfaces, and doors.
  • in that he retains his tail, which he can utilize as
  • has very large wing and tail surfaces to allow a stretch
  • encouraging them to attack the tail rather than the head end.
  • at the base of the tail.
  • appear to almost lack a tail, as their tail rectrices are
  • mysterious man with a scorpion-like tail that can conjure a poison
  • the ability to wrap his tail around his leg to unleash

Examples of “tale”

  • solitary fairy, but in fairy tale literature he is a member
  • Ef: The First Tale.
  • Grey Mouse: A Trinity College Tale depicts Carmilla and Dracula as
  • describes as "an age-old cautionary tale of the privatization of a
  • Private Profit - A Cautionary Tale tells the story of the
  • Unlike a tale of Lovecraftian horror, however, the
  • Ef: The Latter Tale.
  • Segment 5: Fairy Tale
  • The tale of Airlangga's life was illustrated
  • It is a "gruelling cruel tale" from the Edo period.

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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