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“Soar” or “Sore”


soar / sore are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


soar: (noun) the act of rising upward into the air. (verb) rise rapidly. (verb) fly upwards or high in the sky. (verb) go or move upward.

sore: (noun) an open skin infection.


soar: s·AO·r

sore: s·AO·r


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Examples in Context

Examples of “soar”

  • purchased quickly by the 160th SOAR as its standardized weapon system.
  • the Minigun reached the 160th SOAR, and the company was invited
  • Student Orientation, Advisement & Registration (SOAR).
  • lucky few the opportunity to soar over the icefield.
  • by the banks of the Soar where Leicester would in later
  • The 160th SOAR were impressed by the delinker's
  • Their music does 'soar'...
  • State-of-the-art Reports (SOAR) investigate developments in IA issues.
  • Past SOAR topics include: Insider Threat, Software
  • Used in the Academy's Soar For All Program and for

Examples of “sore”

  • A poor woman had a sore hand; a Mussulman physician advised
  • Sore demo kita michi (それでも来た道; It
  • rock bands Henry Fiats Open Sore and Captain Murphy.
  • a severe form of bacterial sore throat.
  • back to the bush raw, sore and aching."
  • Butt, Bazid Khan for a sore Inzamam-ul-Haq and off-spinner Arshad Khan
  • Chamomile, commonly used for sore stomach, irritable bowel syndrome, and
  • because my right wrist was sore.
  • cleaned and bandaged the King's sore feet.
  • "Irritating proverb we're told (4) (SORE = "saw") depends on a

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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