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“Signs” or “Sines”


signs / sines are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


signs: (noun) a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened). (noun) a public display of a message. (noun) (medicine) any objective evidence of the presence of a disorder or disease. (noun) a gesture that is part of a sign language. (noun) a fundamental linguistic unit linking a signifier to that which is signified; --de Saussure. (noun) a character indicating a relation between quantities. (verb) mark with one's signature; write one's name (on). (verb) approve and express assent, responsibility, or obligation. (verb) be engaged by a written agreement. (verb) engage by written agreement. (verb) communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs. (verb) place signs, as along a road. (verb) communicate in sign language.

sines: (noun) ratio of the length of the side opposite the given angle to the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle.


signs: s·AY·n·z

sines: s·AY·n·z


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Examples in Context

Examples of “signs”

  • The idea of placing stop signs at road junctions was first
  • the Nyhavn quay feature similar signs.
  • Signs and symptoms:Structures involved
  • voice began to show some signs of wear after years of
  • and colic are other possible signs that the baby is unable
  • Checking the eyes for signs of papilledema should be carried
  • fully effectively" and "staff missed signs that Mr Sampson's vulnerability and
  • The signs line Fitzwater Dr. to advertise
  • of abnormal symptoms or vital signs.
  • wearing campaign paraphernalia or carrying signs to a polling place with

Examples of “sines”

  • Sines
  • only one sizeable fishing port, Sines; and in the past, shellfish
  • The sines and cosines in the Fourier
  • represented as a sum of sines and cosines, each suitably scaled

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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