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“Rested” or “Wrested”


rested / wrested are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


rested: (verb) not move; be in a resting position. (verb) take a short break from one's activities in order to relax. (verb) give a rest to. (verb) be at rest. (verb) be inherent or innate in. (verb) put something in a resting position, as for support or steadying. (verb) be inactive, refrain from acting. (adjective) not tired; refreshed as by sleeping or relaxing.

wrested: (verb) obtain by seizing forcibly or violently, also metaphorically.


rested: r·EH·s·t·ah·d

wrested: r·EH·s·t·ih·d


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Examples in Context

Examples of “rested”

  • Wagyl is said to have rested during its journeys.
  • the night in Ōgaki-juku, then rested at either Sunomata-juku or Okoshi-juku,
  • Bossis, and Six were all rested.
  • the hills, whereabout the ark rested ... their primitive language might
  • Responsible for this project section rested with the Department of Scandinavian
  • the five witnesses, the state rested its case.
  • the Flamicourt area to be rested.
  • the stone where Panembahan Senopati rested.
  • next two weeks, the Texians rested, recovered from illness, and, for
  • onto which the linkspan is rested.

Examples of “wrested”

  • of the assault force which wrested Jerusalem from the Jordanians, and
  • to the north, who had wrested control of the city from
  • advisor, Charles of Valois, successfully wrested control of Aquitaine from the
  • Pakistani deliveries, and although Pakistan wrested back some of the initiative
  • Then, Pakistan wrested the initiative when Brian Lara
  • for 4 at stumps and wrested control of the game.
  • within the territory which was wrested from Spain by the revolutionary
  • Otto wrested from the nobles the powers
  • The Turks wrested control of the hill and
  • 15th of August, 1861, I wrested [sic] for a few days;

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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