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“Pupal” or “Pupil”


pupal / pupil are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


pupal: (adjective) of the insects in the chrysalis (cocoon) or post larval stage.

pupil: (noun) the contractile aperture in the center of the iris of the eye; resembles a large black dot.


pupal: NA

pupil: p·y·UW·p·ah·l


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Examples in Context

Examples of “pupal”

  • The pupal period lasts 8–13 days. Copy
  • sexual organs, with no intervening pupal stage as in holometabolous insects. Copy
  • and protect them through the pupal stage in exchange for feeding Copy
  • an insect emerges from its pupal stage). Copy
  • more species all have a pupal stage (i.e. Copy

Examples of “pupil”

  • Her most prominent pupil while in Kiev was local Copy
  • Sebastiaen Vrancx and his pupil Peter Snayers specialized in this Copy
  • Scorodomoff was a pupil of Francesco Bartolozzi. Copy
  • of Saint Geminianus, by a pupil of Wiligelmus'. Copy
  • Swaine may have been a pupil of Charles Brooking can be Copy
  • proved to be an outstanding pupil and graduated from the Matura Copy
  • Another pupil was Thomas Leeming Grundy. Copy
  • He was a pupil of Bishop Gozbald, who died Copy
  • William Duffield as a non-paying pupil, and William Thomas Roden was Copy
  • in 1962 and which his pupil Bruno von Freytag-Löringhoff developed further Copy

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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