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“Presence” or “Presents”


presence / presents are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


presence: (noun) the state of being present; current existence. (noun) the immediate proximity of someone or something. (noun) an invisible spiritual being felt to be nearby. (noun) the impression that something is present. (noun) the act of being present.

presents: (noun) the period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech. (noun) something presented as a gift. (noun) a verb tense that expresses actions or states at the time of speaking. (verb) bring forward and present to the mind. (verb) hand over formally. (verb) introduce. (verb) formally present a debutante, a representative of a country, etc..


presence: p·r·EH·z·ah·n·s

presents: p·r·EH·z·ah·n·t·s


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Examples in Context

Examples of “presence”

  • Route, and demonstrate the military presence in the Arctic.
  • Determination of the presence of particular plant species
  • Because of the increased presence of duopolies and outsourcing agreements
  • Troubles, had a large paramilitary presence in the town.
  • reversal of the Sun's ebbing presence in the sky symbolizes the
  • a videotaped confession in the presence of Captain Jonker of the
  • "an absence turned into a presence".
  • Labour overall increased its presence in comparison with the old
  • in the 1990s with the presence of several illustrious authors: Nel
  • By this time his musical presence was fading from the public

Examples of “presents”

  • in its most basic sense presents information in order to influence
  • Alfred Hitchcock Presents
  • Hurricane Streets and American Pie Presents: The Book of Love, as
  • He presents with Cervetto, at the first
  • and World of Wonder's WOW Presents Plus streaming service.
  • Autobiography of the Early Years presents an account of her early
  • Richard, however, presents her with a wedding ring
  • All Areas' featurette which mainly presents some of the highlights of
  • Science Fiction Theatre, Walt Disney Presents, and Tales of Wells Fargo.
  • Le Fanu presents the story as part of

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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