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“Precedence” or “Precedents”


precedence / precedents are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


precedence: (noun) status established in order of importance or urgency.

precedents: (noun) an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time. (noun) a subject mentioned earlier (preceding in time).


precedence: p·r·EH·s·ah·d·ah·n·s

precedents: p·r·EH·s·ah·d·ah·n·t·s


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Examples in Context

Examples of “precedence”

  • seat, deferring in order of precedence to Walter Leveson of Lilleshall
  • was 190th in Order of precedence.
  • by number in order of precedence, which also are members of
  • held its final order of precedence as 17.
  • League goals scored (F) takes precedence over goal difference (GD).
  • with the best price taking precedence.
  • his or her parents takes precedence over du'a.
  • than du'a, then that takes precedence.
  • the country (in order of precedence) whose ministers advised The Queen
  • Order of precedence

Examples of “precedents”

  • text mainly deals with the precedents of Min Yaza, because of
  • generally not bound by the precedents of higher courts.
  • significant because it set legal precedents in four areas of Canadian
  • Amendment," as there are no precedents that permit the Fourth Amendment
  • century; it has some historical precedents.
  • jurists in referring to legal precedents.
  • be considered to be persuasive precedents.
  • with the maximal relevant legal precedents, generally being decisions recorded in
  • Court level, whether such older precedents as Beauharnais v. Illinois and
  • in the same year, authored Precedents and Ordinances of the General

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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