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“Plainer” or “Planar” or “Planer”


plainer / planar / planer are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


plainer: (adjective) not elaborate or elaborated; simple. (adjective) lacking patterns especially in color. (adjective) not mixed with extraneous elements. (adjective) free from any effort to soften to disguise. (adjective) lacking embellishment or ornamentation.

planar: (adjective) involving two dimensions.

planer: NA


plainer: p·l·EY·n·er

planar: p·l·EY·n·er

planer: p·l·EY·n·er


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Examples in Context

Examples of “plainer”

  • scales of inner margin are plainer.
  • to give it a flatter, plainer appearance with changes to a
  • State Coach, it is much plainer than some of the other

Examples of “planar”

  • and laterally continuous with undeformed planar strata.
  • Planar symmetry groups
  • and for constructing separators of planar graphs.
  • Fu and S. Wallace "Quantitative planar laser-induced fluorescence imaging of multi-component
  • List of uniform planar tilings
  • have a slightly curved, roughly planar aligned and elevated handlebar, providing
  • the Wnt pathways (particularly in planar cell polarity related functions such
  • value is ~125°, while a planar nitrogen like that of formamide
  • Educational software to create spherical, planar and hyperbolic tilings
  • electron withdrawing groups are more planar.

Examples of “planer”

  • with his first wife Minna Planer at 13 Zeltweg, Zürich, and
  • Nigel Planer – Lord Cardigan

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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