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“Place” or “Plaice”


place / plaice are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


place: (noun) any area set aside for a particular purpose. (noun) an abstract mental location. (noun) a general vicinity. (noun) a particular situation. (noun) proper or designated social situation. (noun) the passage that is being read. (noun) proper or appropriate position or location. (noun) an item on a list or in a sequence. (verb) place somebody in a particular situation or location. (verb) to arrange for. (verb) take a place in a competition; often followed by an ordinal. (verb) assign to (a job or a home). (verb) estimate. (verb) identify the location or place of. (verb) finish second or better in a horse or dog race. (verb) sing a note with the correct pitch.

plaice: (noun) flesh of large European flatfish. (noun) large European food fish.


place: p·l·EY·s

plaice: NA


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Examples in Context

Examples of “place”

  • used on Schrader valves in place of caps in order to Copy
  • get him to take Shekar's place. Copy
  • No vote ever took place in the southern third of Copy
  • Our Home, Our Place Copy
  • in a tie for third place in the MAC, and outscored Copy
  • Rebuilding took place in the later part of Copy
  • after a run from ninth place into fourth, along with the Copy
  • events of the story took place. Copy
  • to gather in the market place with no more than a Copy
  • While the topping varies from place to place, they are almost Copy

Examples of “plaice”

  • The ecology of 0–group plaice and common dabs at Loch Copy

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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