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“Pedal” or “Peddle”


pedal / peddle are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


pedal: (noun) a lever that is operated with the foot. (verb) operate the pedals on a keyboard instrument. (adjective) of or relating to the feet.

peddle: (verb) sell or offer for sale from place to place.


pedal: p·EH·d·ah·l

peddle: p·EH·d·ah·l


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Examples in Context

Examples of “pedal”

  • the driver releases the brake pedal, the K2 clutch pack increases
  • Pressing the throttle pedal to the floor (hard acceleration)
  • the bottom of the accelerator pedal travel; unless this is pressed
  • Greg Leisz – pedal steel guitar
  • 1895 Clipless pedal
  • Guitar pedal manufacturers have also developed analog
  • Wah-wah pedal, a guitar effects pedal that
  • engaged by any increased accelerator pedal opening, and is completely independent
  • Hank DeVito – pedal steel guitar

Examples of “peddle”

  • Mark Peddle ( 21st century), Canadian musician
  • Geoff Peddle (born 1963), Anglican bishop
  • Julian Peddle (born 1955), English entrepreneur
  • Ambrose Peddle (1927–2014), Canadian politician
  • Chuck Peddle (1937–2019), American computer hardware engineer
  • Juliet Peddle (1899–1979), American architect
  • Peddle is a surname.
  • Peddle (surname)

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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