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“Patience” or “Patients”


patience / patients are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


patience: (noun) good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence.

patients: (noun) a person who requires medical care.


patience: p·EY·sh·ah·n·s

patients: p·EY·sh·ah·n·t·s


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Examples in Context

Examples of “patience”

  • hasty or does not have patience.
  • and a great deal of patience, so was suitable for remote
  • and living expenses may lose patience and cut their student's funding.
  • the course tests a player's patience and endurance.
  • Pinafore and Patience.
  • Patience (London Magazine -October/November 2008)
  • Category:Double-deck patience card games
  • a Brahmin must inculcate: compassion, patience, lack of envy, purification, tranquility,
  • Marquise de Salusses ou la Patience de Griselidis and read to
  • surveyed his region with great patience and tenacity over a period

Examples of “patients”

  • points on the auricle were stimulated.
  • in free association, in which patients report their thoughts without reservation
  • He continued to see patients there until the terminal stages
  • Patients are encouraged to consult with
  • prevent contamination between caregivers and patients.
  • transference, the process by which patients displace onto their analysts feelings
  • this procedure most of his patients in the mid-1890s reported early
  • could be achieved by encouraging patients to talk freely, without censorship
  • of repressed memories and disturbed patients' objectivity, but by 1912, Freud
  • Some patients known by pseudonyms were Cäcilie

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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