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“Pan” or “Panne”


pan / panne are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


pan: (noun) cooking utensil consisting of a wide metal vessel. (noun) (Greek mythology) god of fields and woods and shepherds and flocks; represented as a man with goat's legs and horns and ears; identified with Roman Sylvanus or Faunus. (noun) shallow container made of metal. (noun) chimpanzees; more closely related to Australopithecus than to other pongids. (verb) make a sweeping movement. (verb) wash dirt in a pan to separate out the precious minerals. (verb) express a totally negative opinion of.

panne: NA


pan: p·AE·n

panne: NA


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Examples in Context

Examples of “pan”

  • ‘He broke it (a valuable pan).'
  • and field) at the 2003 Pan American Games
  • Washington, Pan American Health Organization, Pan American
  • m event at the 2015 Pan American Games, together with Reiner
  • dropped a sandwich in a pan of au jus.
  • Category:Canoeists at the 2015 Pan American Games
  • Everglades with only a frying pan and a shotgun.
  • Professor Eric J. Pan is the Director of The
  • Professor Eric Pan - Cardozo School of Law.
  • gold-medal in basketball in the Pan Am games.

Examples of “panne”

  • De Panne
  • dissipative, sandy beach at De Panne (Belgium): a pilot study.- Biol.
  • the Three Days of De Panne, the Eneco Tour and the

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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