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“P” or “Pea” or “Pee”


p / pea / pee are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


p: (noun) the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet.

pea: (noun) seed of a pea plant used for food. (noun) the fruit or seed of a pea plant. (noun) a leguminous plant of the genus Pisum with small white flowers and long green pods containing edible green seeds.

pee: NA


p: p·IY

pea: p·IY

pee: p·IY


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Examples in Context

Examples of “p”

  • Ben P. Ellerbeck conceived the first practical
  • Dong, W. Tian, M. Falda, P. Fontana, E. Lavezzo, B.D.
  • Romero, P. Bhat, A. Paccanaro, T. Hamp,
  • P. Radivojac, W. Clark, T.B.
  • P position of the floor-mounted gear
  • The Independent (London), p. 7.
  • The Independent (London), p. 12.
  • I. P. Evans, A. Spencer, & G.
  • Sternberg, N. Skunca, F. Supek, M. Bosnjak, P. Panov, S.
  • again in 1997 to A. P. Tureaud Elementary School because the

Examples of “pea”

  • Pea
  • the spike and superficially resemble pea flowers.
  • Parry took canned beef and pea soup with him on his
  • began shows wearing a charcoal pea coat and a leather bustier
  • the size of a split pea, with a hair projecting in
  • of deciduous tree in the pea family, Fabaceae, that is native
  • The Araucana has a pea comb and lays approximately 250
  • resemble the keel of a pea flower.
  • Lisyansky ordered to cook pea soup on "dried broth", and
  • of flowering plant in the pea family (Fabaceae).

Examples of “pee”

  • Jay Pee - art direction
  • 12U Pee Wee Reese Baseball
  • is inspired by the feature Pee Stains and Other Disasters.
  • for carbon-13 work was the Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB) and was
  • beginning of the track Pilentze Pee by the Bulgarian State Television
  • 1954 Pee Wee King reached #4 on
  • in Sweden, because "kiss" means "pee" in Swedish.
  • Pee Wee Reese World Series
  • White Pee
  • AABC Pee Wee Reese World Series 2011

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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