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“Ode” or “Owed”


ode / owed are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


ode: (noun) a lyric poem with complex stanza forms.

owed: (verb) be obliged to pay or repay. (verb) be indebted to, in an abstract or intellectual sense. (verb) be in debt.


ode: OW·d

owed: OW·d


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Examples in Context

Examples of “ode”

  • for chamber ensemble, cantatas "Horace's ode", "Gentle light").
  • ODE - Opera Discography Encyclopaedia by
  • poet Derzhavin in his famous ode; he later commented bitterly on
  • T. Barnum to write an ode for the "Swedish Nightingale", singer
  • quotation from John Keats's poem, "Ode on a Grecian Urn".
  • The ode is the individual’s fāl.
  • in 1969, before signing to Ode Records.
  • random, and beginning with the ode of the page that one
  • The Nun," and "Ode: the Spirit of the Air
  • According to Brown, "Ode to a Nightingale" was written

Examples of “owed”

  • England, as Duke of Aquitaine, owed homage to the King of
  • concerning the duty of care owed by the City of Calgary
  • went on strike seeking payments owed from 1980.
  • October 2019 Pritchard said he owed a "debt" to Bowyer for
  • Zeke Loftin claiming that she owed him "substantial sums of money."
  • former minister in Mwanawasa's government owed him $100,000.
  • He also owed some of his position in
  • of the money they were owed (keeping half of their pay
  • Evans, Lawson, and Thompson all owed positions or favors to Washington's
  • debt, including $2 million he owed to the IRS.

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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