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“Muscles” or “Mussels”


muscles / mussels are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


muscles: (noun) one of the contractile organs of the body. (noun) animal tissue consisting predominantly of contractile cells. (noun) authority or power or force (especially when used in a coercive way). (verb) make one's way by force.

mussels: (noun) black marine bivalves usually steamed in wine. (noun) marine or freshwater bivalve mollusk that lives attached to rocks etc..


muscles: m·AH·s·ah·l·z

mussels: m·AH·s·ah·l·z


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Examples in Context

Examples of “muscles”

  • This contraction of expiratory chest muscles, diaphragm, abdominal wall muscles, and
  • He discovered blood corpuscles, striated muscles, human spermatozoa (1677), protozoa (1674),
  • contract or relax various facial muscles, causing them to smile or
  • one of the three thenar muscles, lying deep to the abductor
  • the reflex contraction of rectal muscles, relaxation of the internal anal
  • lateral appendages, moved by intrinsic muscles and penetrated by blood-spaces.
  • cartilaginous, keel for enlarged pectoral muscles.
  • best stories stir those facial muscles which, we are told, are
  • feces to be passed by muscles pulling the anus up over
  • to the needles, packed in muscles that can force out the

Examples of “mussels”

  • the benthic community structure of mussels and predation pressure by sea
  • is a genus of freshwater mussels, aquatic bivalve mollusks in the
  • the family Unionidae, the river mussels.
  • Fort Myers Mighty Mussels
  • found among other species of mussels in the few remaining fragments
  • as molluscs, such as clams, mussels, oysters, periwinkles, and scallops.
  • concern, nineteen percent of Kentucky mussels have become extinct or extirpated
  • chitons, marine snails, limpets and mussels, and barnacles, but also crabs,
  • the distribution and productivity of mussels and diminish their role in
  • by hiring women to can mussels and expanded to newer forms

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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