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“Loots” or “Lutes”


loots / lutes are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


loots: (noun) goods or money obtained illegally. (verb) take illegally; of intellectual property.

lutes: (noun) a substance for packing a joint or coating a porous surface to make it impervious to gas or liquid. (noun) chordophone consisting of a plucked instrument having a pear-shaped body, a usually bent neck, and a fretted fingerboard.


loots: NA

lutes: l·UW·t·s


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Examples in Context

Examples of “loots”

  • Macedonia, removed because of Turkish/Albanian loots.
  • Jacques Loots as Politikus
  • Christo Loots as Sunshine

Examples of “lutes”

  • three daughters - Elinor Seney Lutes (1875–1963); Evlyn Latta Lutes; and
  • The lutes are short lutes, but the
  • examples of Asian harps and lutes, focusing on images and literature
  • Kusana origin of short lutes
  • Nelson Lutes died in 1900, and Nettie
  • Category:Necked bowl lutes
  • Her parents were divorced when Lutes and her sisters Alice and
  • Lutes went in front of a
  • Lutes was born Annette Staub; her
  • In 1880 Lutes ceased practicing with her sister

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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