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“Levee” or “Levy”


levee / levy are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


levee: (noun) a formal reception of visitors or guests (as at a royal court). (noun) a pier that provides a landing place on a river. (noun) an embankment that is built in order to prevent a river from overflowing.

levy: (noun) a charge imposed and collected. (noun) the act of drafting into military service. (verb) impose and collect.


levee: l·EH·v·iy

levy: l·EH·v·iy


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Examples in Context

Examples of “levee”

  • to Captain White's on Front Levee Street and recruitment became a
  • the site of the destroyed levee.
  • leopard, levee).
  • less than fruitful when the levee system was breached in several
  • be used for the city's levee upgrades.
  • Neustettiner See) as well as levee construction at some rivers (e.g.
  • The height difference between the levee top and the surrounding floodplains
  • in 1965, after which a levee was built.
  • breaks its natural or artificial levees and deposits sediment on a
  • recruiting station at 29 Front Levee, between Gravier and Poydras streets,

Examples of “levy”

  • of forty triremes and to levy sixty talents in order to
  • The philosopher Donald Levy agrees with Grünbaum that Freud's
  • Flowers (1944); libretto by Muriel Levy
  • originates at Wekiva Spring in Levy County, Florida.
  • David Louis [Louis Levy]
  • the Negev", then chairman Mario Levy and his son Rami (then
  • Eleanor Levy – editor, 1989–1991.
  • Beckford, Kat Graham, and William Levy.
  • Assembly seats and whose candidate, Levy Mwanawasa, won the presidential vote.
  • the show, Quinton Canosa (William Levy) and the two quickly share

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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