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“Lessen” or “Lesson”


lessen / lesson are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


lessen: NA

lesson: (noun) a unit of instruction. (noun) a task assigned for individual study.


lessen: l·EH·s·ah·n

lesson: l·EH·s·ah·n


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Examples in Context

Examples of “lessen”

  • constant protection only served to lessen Doug's self-esteem.
  • order to, among other things, lessen the dependency on oil, and
  • punishment is also believed to lessen punishment in the afterlife.
  • Ideally, such countermeasures lessen the impact of a downturn
  • Shirkuh hoped to lessen the severity of the fight.
  • in-vivo studies of compounds to lessen the severity of inflammation following
  • medical treatment is likely to lessen the efficacy of each, since
  • during and after surgery can lessen the possible deleterious effects of
  • is to use color-coding to lessen the possibility of confusion.
  • used by this gun to lessen the risk of injury to

Examples of “lesson”

  • books and a collection of lesson plans were developed to help
  • A Clinical Lesson at the Salpêtrière
  • Before a PE lesson, the girls of the class
  • means 'chapter' (of a book), 'lesson', 'reading' and 'lecture'.
  • in which he provided a lesson in how intensity can be
  • body and Bruna has a lesson with a motivational coach to
  • house and has a catwalk lesson.
  • in most releases of Open Lesson talk show.
  • The company also produces lesson plan and worksheet compilations that
  • comic tale, they teach a lesson to Narayana and everybody gets

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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