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“Jinks” or “Jinx”


jinks / jinx are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


jinks: (noun) noisy and mischievous merrymaking.

jinx: (verb) foredoom to failure.


jinks: jh·IH·ng·k·s

jinx: jh·IH·ng·k·s


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Examples in Context

Examples of “jinks”

  • golf and gliding) and high jinks, he worked hard, noting he

Examples of “jinx”

  • The main IXP of Johannesburg, JINX (which is also the largest
  • They also broke the jinx of going down a slump
  • music by John Kamys aka Jinx Titanic.
  • of the students (Gizmo, Mammoth, Jinx, See-More and Kyd Wykkyd along
  • In "Hi Jinx," Emmy Lou moves into the
  • Jinx (vocal effects provided by Dee
  • is branded as the town jinx.
  • Jinx later gets adopted by Emmy
  • mob thinking she is the jinx that brought the epidemic.
  • that when Mammoth, Gizmo, and Jinx are retrieved from the authorities,

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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