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“In” or “Inn”


in / inn are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


in: (adjective) holding office. (adjective) directed or bound inward. (adjective) currently fashionable. (adverb) to or toward the inside of.

inn: NA


in: ih·n

inn: IH·n


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Examples in Context

Examples of “in”

  • later, Rose admitted publicly to betting on baseball games in his
  • Category:Awards established in 1999
  • There was controversy over the inclusion in the All-Century Team of
  • the story of the development, building, and financing of the Lancaster
  • racer, who won one stage in the 1932 Tour de France.
  • Henderson was elected in 2003 to a four-year term
  • on the Board of Commissioners in a County where Republicans outnumber
  • In 1999, the Major League Baseball
  • Henderson has been referenced in more than 2,200 newspaper articles,
  • owned 50% by Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. which have been accused of

Examples of “inn”

  • the Lion d'argent, the English inn at Calais, and several hungry
  • to the Bar at King's Inn in 1907.
  • of CBS program Money Talks; innkeeper of The Inn at Long
  • feet and reach a nearby inn.
  • of the Horse and Trumpet Inn.
  • before Felix (1748) at Lincoln's Inn; and his altarpiece for St.
  • Edivoxetine (INN; code name LY-2216684) is a
  • Gedocarnil (INN) is an anxiolytic of the
  • John Rich's pantomimes at Lincoln's Inn Fields, and the exaggerated popularity
  • House Kern in Wasserburg am Inn

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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