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“Hoard” or “Horde” or “Whored”


hoard / horde / whored are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


hoard: (noun) a secret store of valuables or money. (verb) save up as for future use.

horde: (noun) a vast multitude. (noun) a nomadic community.

whored: (verb) work as a prostitute. (verb) have unlawful sex with a whore. (verb) compromise oneself for money or other gains.


hoard: hh·AO·r·d

horde: hh·AO·r·d

whored: NA


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Examples in Context

Examples of “hoard”

  • (London: Golden Hoard, 2004).
  • Christian Hoard of Rolling Stone found Wayne's
  • in order to avoid the hoard of demonstrators who had gathered
  • of the Buddhas, Shoemaker 7 Hoard.
  • hoard coins not in RIC etc.
  • Arraiolos for similar hoard
  • 1933 – The Golden Hoard with Philip Wylie
  • no incentive to store or hoard Freigeld as it will automatically
  • Neolithic Flint Production: With a Hoard of Scrapers at Hagestad as
  • A hoard of prehistoric objects, including two

Examples of “horde”

  • to out run the zombie horde."
  • a riot after encouraging a horde of angry protesters to destroy
  • and scavenge for supplies, a horde of walkers appear behind them.
  • Laguna Seca Daze and the HORDE tour.
  • come under attack by a horde of Copperheads pouring out of
  • pay tribute to the Golden Horde.
  • find themselves trapped by a horde of Copperheads.
  • on the traveling 90's festival H.O.R.D.E.
  • The horde soon passes, and the group

Examples of “whored”

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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