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“Hear” or “Here”


hear / here are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


hear: (verb) perceive (sound) via the auditory sense. (verb) examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process. (verb) receive a communication from someone.

here: (noun) the present location; this place. (adjective) being here now. (adverb) in or at this place; where the speaker or writer is. (adverb) in this circumstance or respect or on this point or detail. (adverb) to this place (especially toward the speaker). (adverb) at this time; now.


hear: hh·IY·r

here: hh·IY·r


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Examples in Context

Examples of “hear”

  • did not show up to hear the verdict being announced.
  • Every time I hear of an investigator trying to
  • – Joel Taylor, Hear It First
  • if some day I might hear a solo beautifully played and
  • U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear their final appeal.
  • at the appropriate place would hear the question and have a
  • that he did not himself hear the torpedoes hit but was
  • 2 线人2Bryan Wong 王禄江 - Hear Me Out 4 有话要说 4
  • "I Hear You Cry" – 4:56
  • Who wants to hear that a musician doesn't like

Examples of “here”

  • In 1842, Congress encouraged settlement here by establishing the Armed Occupation
  • Here are eigenfunctions of the electronic
  • Nuevo Comandante information is available here in Spanish)
  • father died and was buried here; relatives on both sides of
  • Brigade "Crosa" of Genova Nervi: here his political novitiate starts; due
  • years and friends who are here tonight are wishing this for
  • and to provide the service here.
  • The Indian workers who arrived here were farmers back home.
  • they told him: 'Just sign here'.
  • He said: "Our purpose here is to turn out the

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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