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“Handsome” or “Hansom”


handsome / hansom are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


handsome: NA

hansom: (noun) a two-wheeled horse-drawn covered carriage with the driver's seat above and behind the passengers.


handsome: hh·AE·n·s·ah·m

hansom: hh·AE·n·s·ah·m


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Examples in Context

Examples of “handsome”

  • a love triangle between the handsome, kind Aldo and the man
  • Domenzaín (Juan Soler), A charming, handsome fisherman and chef with aspirations
  • driving new cars, living with handsome husbands, adorable children, and cute
  • all those around her, including handsome, popular Will Blakelee (Liam Hemsworth),
  • "prince of tenors", Corelli possessed handsome features and a charismatic stage
  • Johnny Handsome
  • regard, the core of Johnny Handsome is a " a character-is-destiny
  • added: "His unusual intelligence his handsome striking appearance and his subtle
  • The rich, typified by the handsome man-about-town Lennox (Lowell Sherman), are
  • similarities between that and Johnny Handsome:

Examples of “hansom”

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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