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“Gallop” or “Galop”


gallop / galop are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


gallop: (noun) a fast gait of a horse; a two-beat stride during which all four legs are off the ground simultaneously. (verb) ride at a galloping pace. (verb) go at galloping speed. (verb) cause to move at full gallop.

galop: NA


gallop: g·AE·l·ah·p

galop: NA


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Examples in Context

Examples of “gallop”

  • Kuwahara and produced by Studio Gallop.
  • the 6th charged at a gallop on the enemy's left flank,
  • Tokyo, Nihon Ad Systems and Gallop that aired in Japan on
  • Gallop compliments Mitchell for her criticism
  • Kit de Waal, Professor Angela Gallop, Joanne Harris, Darren Henley, Alan
  • of entreaty, was about to gallop off with her, when her
  • Mitchell is criticized by Jane Gallop in The Daughter's Seduction (1982).
  • of bicycles, including The Velocipede Gallop and The Cyclopede Waltz.
  • David Gallop, Aristotle on Sleep and Dreams:

Examples of “galop”

  • France Galop (1979-1989) / Racing Post (1990-present)
  • a "full-blooded and debauched music-hall galop".
  • 35 Entrance Galop
  • France Galop / Racing Post:
  • - La Ritournelle et le galop for 1/16th tone tuned guitar
  • The third movement galop is the movement Shostakovich himself

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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