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“Frees” or “Freeze” or “Frieze”


frees / freeze / frieze are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


frees: (noun) people who are free. (verb) grant freedom to; free from confinement. (verb) make (information) available for publication. (verb) free from obligations or duties. (verb) free or remove obstruction from.

freeze: (noun) the withdrawal of heat to change something from a liquid to a solid. (noun) weather cold enough to cause freezing. (noun) an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement. (noun) fixing (of prices or wages etc) at a particular level. (verb) stop moving or become immobilized. (verb) change to ice. (verb) be cold. (verb) cause to freeze. (verb) stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it. (verb) be very cold, below the freezing point. (verb) change from a liquid to a solid when cold. (verb) prohibit the conversion or use of (assets). (verb) anesthetize by cold. (verb) suddenly behave coldly and formally.

frieze: (noun) an architectural ornament consisting of a horizontal sculptured band between the architrave and the cornice. (noun) a heavy woolen fabric with a long nap.


frees: f·r·IY·z

freeze: f·r·IY·z

frieze: f·r·IY·z


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Examples in Context

Examples of “frees”

  • once she has gone, Joy frees the trio.
  • He makes peace with himself, frees his soul, and sings lines
  • Kratos frees Thera which causes a volcano
  • plot forms on how he frees himself from the blame and
  • He frees Nina and Jake, but is
  • ISU has claimed this secrecy frees judges from pressure from their
  • arbiters of taste whose wealth frees them from ulterior motives, enabling
  • his arms and legs, then frees the 25 men the sergeant
  • He frees a devil from a bottle.
  • Sharpe learns of this and frees her, only to be chased

Examples of “freeze”

  • free ride, your broker must freeze your account for 90 days."
  • a constant temperature and never freeze over despite northern Ohio's cold
  • The area lakes and rivers freeze over in the winter and
  • of previous damage such as freeze injury, scorching or mechanical wounds.
  • the colder weather begins to freeze the smaller streams and streams
  • influence to have the IRS freeze Murdock's accounts, the bank foreclose
  • Pepsi's lime "Cease Fire/Max Citrus Freeze", and the wasabi flavored Mr.
  • slogan: "None shall starve or freeze".
  • mutant warrior with plans to freeze Megakat City after diving into
  • The US would remove the freeze on Iranian assets and trade

Examples of “frieze”

  • such as the usage of frieze inside and outside, bas relief
  • 7 frieze groups – 2D line groups
  • Starting from the top, the friezes depict hansa (birds) in the
  • with a deep arched timber frieze to the ground floor and
  • the selection committee for the Frieze Art Fair.
  • nouveau, gouache, aquarelle, collage, render, frieze, grisaille.
  • pitch of the roof, the frieze board under the eaves, the
  • The 7 frieze groups, the two-dimensional line groups,
  • “Unrelated.” Frieze Magazine (July, 2008);
  • death is commemorated with a frieze in the Voortrekker Monument in

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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