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“Form” or “Forme”


form / forme are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


form: (noun) the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something. (noun) a perceptual structure. (noun) the visual appearance of something or someone. (noun) a printed document with spaces in which to write. (noun) (biology) a group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups. (noun) an arrangement of the elements in a composition or discourse. (noun) a particular mode in which something is manifested. (noun) an ability to perform well. (noun) a mold for setting concrete. (verb) create (as an entity). (verb) to compose or represent:. (verb) develop into a distinctive entity. (verb) assume a form or shape.

forme: NA


form: f·AO·r·m

forme: NA


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Examples in Context

Examples of “form”

  • The crown cork, the first form of a bottle cap, possessed
  • and asked Otto Liebe to form the Cabinet of Liebe to
  • the two disjointed highways to form a three-quarter beltway around the
  • Three ancient and semi-natural woods form the SSSI, namely Frithy Wood
  • organisation allowed chief officers to form a national policy rather than
  • have been flooded and now form a new part of the
  • "murdered" mendicant in her reincarnated form.
  • for that matter) in some form.
  • is not in its raw form.
  • work, and constituted an early form of copyright law.

Examples of “forme”

  • would be set into a forme so that the text read
  • The assembled forme is ready to be moulded
  • di voci romene confrontate con forme usate nel dialetto dei pescatori
  • Opera aperta, Apocalittici e integrati, Forme del contenuto (1971), Il Superuomo
  • delle grandezze a teoria delle forme.
  • There is a forme (text lines produced on a
  • France after EDF and Engie (forme GDF-Suez) and the first independent
  • greci dai quali sembrano derivare forme proprie del dialetto veneti, che
  • Românesti si studiui, a doua forme mai aparte; Bodotria arenosa mediterranea

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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