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“Flew” or “Flu”


flew / flu are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


flew: (verb) travel through the air; be airborne. (verb) move quickly or suddenly. (verb) operate an airplane. (verb) transport by aeroplane. (verb) cause to fly or float. (verb) be dispersed or disseminated. (verb) change quickly from one emotional state to another. (verb) pass away rapidly. (verb) travel in an airplane. (verb) display in the air or cause to float. (verb) travel over (an area of land or sea) in an aircraft. (verb) hit a fly.

flu: NA


flew: f·l·UW

flu: f·l·UW


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Examples in Context

Examples of “flew”

  • The pilot says that he flew in company of Vladimir Poleto
  • Japan, the µ10, using microwaves, flew on the Hayabusa mission.
  • destroyed when the Swat Kats flew into Earth's atmosphere which caused
  • Lenart, an American pilot who flew one of the fighters, Avidan
  • of MI6 Sir Richard Dearlove flew to Washington to brief the
  • Transport Flight (Japan) flew its last courier missions on
  • she says "like Icarus, I flew too close to the sun,"
  • MSN005, SIA 9V-SKA and 9V-SKB) flew to Tarbes, France to be
  • named appropriately after planes which flew from Bankstown during the Second
  • the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA), flew into Vienna from London via

Examples of “flu”

  • community, including mammograms, blood work, flu shots, pap tests, bone density
  • 2009 cull after the bird flu virus was found.
  • 2 despite suffering from the flu.
  • include: Acustop Cataplasma, Adofeed, Anazin, Anflupin, Anorcid, Ansaid, Antadys, Antafen, Antipain,
  • After the pandemic "Spanish flu" occurred in 1918, African American
  • of the deadly 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic which struck hard at
  • Category:Deaths from Spanish flu
  • Bird flu
  • and victims of the 1918 flu pandemic, but succumbed herself, permanently
  • Swine flu

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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