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“Flack” or “Flak”


flack / flak are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


flack: NA

flak: NA


flack: f·l·AE·k

flak: f·l·AE·k


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Examples in Context

Examples of “flack”

  • on the site of Edwin Flack Field in the Sports and
  • on the site of Edwin Flack Field and would be home
  • visiting black artists including Roberta Flack and Osibisa.
  • the television shows Colonel Humphrey Flack, I Married Joan, Gunsmoke, Bonanza,
  • 4:33 1/5 by Australian Edwin Flack was almost 18 seconds slower
  • - The Hooded Men - Flack, Gang Leader (1951)

Examples of “flak”

  • at minimum altitude in intense flak to help pierce the enemy
  • Institute of the Academy of Flak Forces, which was relocated from
  • Four Flak 38 and five Flak 29
  • on German shipments of 10.5-cm flak cannons, gold, machinery and other
  • naval gun, (220 rounds), one Flak M42 and two C/30 anti-aircraft
  • barges, vehicles, airfields, gun emplacements, flak towers, ammunition dumps, power stations,
  • Flakpanzer is a German term for
  • naval gun, (220 rounds), one Flak M42 and two C/30 anti-aircraft
  • naval gun, (220 rounds), one Flak M42 and two C/30 anti-aircraft
  • on the base of a Flak 29 emplacement in April 1944

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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