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“Fills” or “Fils”


fills / fils are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


fills: (noun) a quantity sufficient to satisfy. (verb) make full, also in a metaphorical sense. (verb) become full. (verb) assume, as of positions or roles. (verb) appoint someone to (a position or a job). (verb) plug with a substance.

fils: (noun) a fractional monetary unit in Bahrain and Iraq and Jordan and Kuwait; equal to one thousandth of a dinar.


fills: f·IH·l·z

fils: NA


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Examples in Context

Examples of “fills”

  • Joy fills my heart so fast A
  • As the waste fills the rectum and expands the
  • in my kid’s elementary school fills me with nihilistic joy."
  • De los deberes del marido, fills less than half the pages
  • gas station where an attendant fills its tank, spilling gasoline all
  • The Lily nearly fills the canvas.
  • of the matrices, and then fills the mold cavity to provide
  • Using the book, the scorer fills out two main sections per
  • A six light fixed window fills the opening on the east
  • Bob is apprehensive when he fills in for his friend as

Examples of “fils”

  • Review: Le fils de l'épicier (The Grocer's Son)
  • Le Fils du roi (1981)
  • Le Fils des Trois Mousquetaires, roman héroï-camique,
  • Pierre Bédard et ses fils, N-E Dionne (1909)
  • Brest to plans by Ollivier Fils and launched in 1776.
  • based on the play Un fils d'Amérique)
  • the portrait of Alexandre Dumas fils which had been seen at
  • based on the play Un fils d'Amérique)
  • Antoine Kraft Executé par son Fils Nicolaus Antoine Kraft au Théatre
  • contralto et baryton- Éditions Choudens fils - Paris

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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