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“Fazing” or “Phasing”


fazing / phasing are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


fazing: (verb) disturb the composure of.

phasing: (verb) arrange in phases or stages. (verb) adjust so as to be in a synchronized condition.


fazing: NA

phasing: f·EY·z·ih·ng


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Examples in Context

Examples of “fazing”

Examples of “phasing”

  • protecting low income groups, including phasing out electric heating and increased
  • currently in the process of phasing in and renumbering the exit
  • In 2015, Chrysler began phasing out the JATCO CVT and
  • of limited resources for digital phasing system.
  • Phasing out of the currently operating
  • is notable because it featured phasing effects which at that time
  • Snuff Garrett, also included the phasing effects.
  • the signal path, whereas the phasing between subarrays is planned to
  • The department's plan called for phasing out the school and not
  • defend Canadian airspace and supports phasing out use of the Lockheed

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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